I’m not sure how many of you caught the special series on
ABC News, Made in America, but it focused on how we as Americans own more products that are made outside of this country. The article actually states that “Economists say that if every one of us spent an extra $3.33 on U.S.-made goods every year, it would create nearly 10,000 new jobs in this country.” You know what? I can do that.
Watching this series really put into perspective the items that I use on a daily basis and what is currently in my home. Thinking about the big ticket items, most of the stuff we have is not made in USA. Of course, you won’t be able to find certain items, like electronics, that are made in USA. It just doesn’t exist. However, there are many products and other big ticket items, like appliances, that are made here.
While there isn’t anything I can do about the products we currently have in our home, going forward my husband and I have made a conscious effort to purchase American made products. We can help do our part to help strengthen our economy, we will. There might be many reasons as to why others buy American made only as it is – child labor, poor wages, import/exports, non-regulated chemicals being used, etc., but my reason is to help the US economy. This is where I live and I will do what I can to help out.
Here is another article from the story that gives you websites on where to find
made in USA products.