Friday, April 15, 2011

Friendships: What do they really mean?

Growing up, I feel as though everyone has a best friend. It could be your next door neighbor, someone from school or little league. I have thought a lot lately about the friendships I have made over the years. In my adult life, I've had a lot of people come and go. At first I was angry or upset about the outcome but realized that those people were only supposed to be part of my life for that time. I've accepted that and as my adult life developed further, I've made new friends. It's pretty much a cycle, but some people have stuck around with me for the ride.

Have you ever looked at your past relationships of those you are no longer friends with? Why aren't you friends with them anymore? For me it was that we outgrew each other, or we went in different directions or I just didn't agree with their lifestyle choices anymore. Not drama related, but if you don't have the same morales as me, I'm sorry, but I can't call you a friend.

I like to think I have a great group of friends. I have friends that I'm very close with that I talk to on a regular basis. I have my best of friends that haven't seen each other in a long time but we can pick up the phone and start talking as if we just hung up minutes earlier, and I have friends that we aren't close but I keep in touch with because it's such an enjoyment to have them in my lives. We may not talk very often or see each other at all, but knowing I can reach out to them with the push of a button or by Facebook is always great.

What is friendship to you? Is it all or nothing? Do you have a variety of friendships? I'm curious, so let me know!

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