I think being a NYer I've always had the mentality to rush rush rush. I get annoyed when people walk slow in front of me, or drive slow, or take too long in general. It's really something I should not get annoyed about; it's just silly when you think about it. I do this when I travel out of state too. It's horrible!
Before I had the baby, I would be rushing to work, followed by rushing to the gym to make class, then rushing to catch the train. Then when I got home I would make dinner, clean up, get my stuff ready for work the next day, etc. I would finally sit down around 9:30pm. And now I'm in the same situation and I hate it. I get up earlier now with the baby. At least on Mondays and Wednesdays I can pass her off to my parents right away so I can finish getting ready for work - so I can hurry to catch the train. Tuesdays and Thursdays I rush (even with giving myself extra time in the morning!) because I have to drop her off at daycare then drive to the train station. I do my best to plan ahead so that I have time to sit down, but this planning takes time too. There has to be a better way for busy mom's. One very important thing for me is getting enough sleep. If I don't get enough sleep, I have a greater chance of getting sick, and I cannot get sick. I do know that sometimes you can't control it, but it is proven that sleep helps fight off illnesses.
Perhaps writing out my weekly schedule would work to see where I can make improvments. I'll start with Monday since my weekends kind of lump together.
6:30/6:45am - get up, get coffee, make baby's bottle, come back upstairs, plug in straightener and make the bed.
By 7am my parents arrive. I start to straighten my hair.
By 7:15am the baby is up. I change her diaper and bring her downstairs.
By 7:30am dressed and my hair is done.
My train is at 7:47am. Somehow between 7:35am and 7:44am it is taking me too long to get out of the house. All I'm doing is packing my lunch in a bag and putting on my coat. I literally have to race to the train station.
I get to work before 9am and don't leave until a few minutes after 5pm. My train home is out of Brooklyn at 5:35pm. It's 3 subway stops from my office. I typically get home around 6:15pm. I'm emptying my bags, heating up something to eat and making the baby's cereal.
By 6:45pm Ken is out the door to go to bowling. I feed the baby, eat dinner and play with her for a bit. I make her last bottle and feed her at 8pm. She is in bed by 8:30pm.
After 8:30pm I shower, prepare my lunch for the next day, get my stuff together, premake the baby's bottles for daycare, make sure her bag is packed, etc. I also do any stuff at home that I can't do at work. I don't get to sit down until 9:30/10pm. Around 10:30pm I go to bed, some nights it's 11pm.
6:30am - get up, get coffee, make all bottles for daycare, pack bag
6:45am - make bed, get dressed, make sure the baby starts waking up
7:00am - get the baby ready for daycare
7:15am - leave the house and bring her to daycare
7:47am - on the train to work
Pick up where we left off after work and that's my night, but also add in a bath for the baby.
Repeat Monday and Tuesday for Wednesday (minus bowling for Ken) and Thursday.
Friday - I work from home so we sleep a little later. The baby takes a morning nap and I get a lot done. I throw food in the crockpot at lunch time so it's ready for dinner. We're not rushing so much this day
Saturday - errands - food shopping, cleaning the house and any other stores
Sunday - make 3 make ahead meals for the week.
If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know! Come summer my days are going to be busier. My parents won't be around to watch the baby so she will be in daycare 4 days a week. Ken will also be busier with his side work so that will leave a lot of the home care to me. I need help!