Ever notice how most folks that blog (and I mean truly blog) have some sort of theme? I just can't create one for me. I'm not an avid cook (I enjoy it and do it most nights) but I don't want a blog dedicated to food. I don't want one dedicated to my weightloss. I just feel as though this blog is just a bunch of stuff happening in my life, but how is that interesting to other people? Granted I'm not looking for hundreds of followers. I guess I can considerate this to be a diary of sorts, but I'll leave out juicy details since we all know what is put on the internet never, ever leaves. (And if you think it does once you delete something, think again. It is forever there.)
Anywho, my week has been somewhat exciting for me. My daughter had her 4 month check up and she's up to 14 lbs and 10 oz! Can't believe she grew so much in a month! We started her on some cereal last night and it was so fun! She gobbled it up. The first bite was hysterical! We have video, but the copy I have isn't very good quality. I need to get if off my husband's phone so I can post the good quality one! And naturally blogger is acting up so I can't even post the picture we have of her all finished!
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