Sunday, February 27, 2011

Purging at It's Finest

As the weather starts to get nicer, it's pretty common to start to purge - although mostly people purge their closets. We've lived in this house for almost 3 years and I can't believe how much stuff we have and a lot of it we don't use. Some of the stuff is from our childhood that we don't want to part with, which I'm okay with, but other things such as clothing, dishes, just stuff that we don't use that we can eliminate and de-clutter from our lives. As much as I want to finish projects in the house, I feel as thought de-cluttering is just as important. When I have my garage sale this year, I'll have so much extra stuff for people to buy. Whatever people don't buy, I'll donate to the Ocean Grove Ladies' Auxiliary Annual Bazaar and I'm sure that will be a ton.

I like purging. It makes me feel as though I'm freshening up while eliminating waste in my life. It's also a great calorie burner!

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