Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Giving Thanks

I've been seeing a few people on my Facebook newsfeed giving daily thanks this month. Given Thanksgiving is this month, I'm sure I'll see plenty more of this next week as well. I thought this would be the perfect opportunity for me to share what and who I am thankful for and why. Of course I am thankful for things like my job, my home and other material items, but there are people that deserve a big thank you.

Thank you God for giving me this life full of great friends and family. I know there have been some rough times, but you have brought me through them. Thank you for being there.

Thank you to my husband. He is amazing. He knows me very well. He has this unconditional love for me no matter what. We have built an amazing life together and I really can't imagine where I would be right now without him.

I am thankful for my family. My parents are people that I just can't express many words about. They have shown me how to live life and guided me down the right path. My sister is one of my best friends. We look out for each other. We have each other's backs (sometimes haha) and we are partners in crime. And yes, I brought her to get her first tattoo. What are big sisters for?

My extended family. We have such wonderful memories and I love continuing to make them. Thank you for making me laugh and enjoy being together. I wish we did it more often.

My husband's family. Without you crazy drama-filled folks I wouldn't feel like I'm watching a sitcom. Thank you for making me feel like part of your family when you met me 10 years ago. You are awesome and I love you all very much and thrilled to have you part of my life.

My friends. Without my friends I don't know where I would be. Sure many have come and gone throughout the last 32 years, and for the most part I am still connected to many, but without meeting each and everyone of you, my life would be so different. For the girls I talk to on a daily basis, thank you for making my days fly by, for making me laugh, for making me think, for making me consider a different opinion on things. I'm forever thankful for having you in my life.

I am thankful for my dog. He does everything to make me smile and shows me so much love. You are my little fur baby and I don't know what I would do without you. I love you Shea!

So this is my thank you. Something I mean everyday. Thank you!!

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