Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I like to purge about 2-3 times a year. My purging consists of clothing, books, kitchen gadgets, and other household chockies. I have been wanting to purge my closet for a bit and finally had the opportunity to do it last night. I had so many articles of clothing that I hadn't worn in a long time as well as items I purchased with the hope I would fit into it by a particular season. Yeah, that didn't happen. It was time to get rid of them. I am still working on my weight loss and the reason I kept so many articles of clothing was because I thought when I would wear them I wouldn't have to buy new clothes. I decided last night that holding on to them wasn't doing anything to help my progress so I eliminated them from my drawers and closet. I have a lot more space in my summer bottoms drawer and lots of space in my closet. I have a bunch of hangers that I can use for new items I get for my birthday (which is Saturday, by the way). I'm excited to add new items to my closet. I plan to donate my purged items to the Salvation Army and Vietnam Veteran's of America.

Sometimes you need to purge people from your life too. It's good for your soul!

Next up is organization of 3 closets. I hope to conquer this over the next few weekends.

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